My Story
Welcome to my Scentsy website. The minute I was introduced to Scentsy, I loved the warmers and the scents. I JOINed Scentsy Family because I was impressed with the SAFE way it added fragrance to my home. I couldn't help talking about Scentsy to my friends and family. My passion sparked their interest in BUYing Scentsy. My own small business was off and running! It was the easiest thing I had ever done. The extra income is really nice, but the accomplishment of helping others feel the passion for the products as I do has become very fulfilling. Feel free to BUY from this website or call me at 613-827-5620 and I will take your order. If you would like to HOST a party, call me. It's easy, and rewarding. Want to start your own Scentsy business? JOIN, I will be happy to sponsor you. I do what I love. I love what I do. Scentsy has enhanced my life and instilled a desire within me to be successful. I love my Scentsy Family business!! If you're just visiting my page, please leave your e-mail so that I can keep you informed about sales, special flyers, Open Houses, discounts, etc. and/or come follow me on facebook at www.facebook.com/lorraine.fortin.12 As well, you can also subscribe to my monthly Newsletter. I do NOT share your info to other advertisers / soliciters.